Set written by Michelle Wilcox and tested by Natalie Charbonneau.
Recreate thrilling scenes from Sleeping Beauty, or create your own stories, with the LEGO Disney Princess Maleficent’s Dragon Form and Aurora’s Castle set. The set includes 4 Sleeping Beauty characters, including Maleficent’s Dragon Form, Aurora, Prince Philip, and his horse, Samson. There are also tiny round tiles with miniature images of the 3 fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather.
Maleficent’s Dragon Form is fully posable in the head, tail, legs and wings. Aurora’s castle includes a bed for Aurora, attic rooms with hidden treasures, and a spinning wheel that, when turned, removes the spiky vines hiding the castle.
The front of the box shows Aurora, riding the horse, Samson, and to her right is her the front/exterior of her castle. To the right of the castle, Prince Philip stands with his shield up and sword raised against the black and purple dragon, rearing up and spewing green flame.
The back of the box has smaller images showing some of the features of the set and scenes that can be reenacted. One shows Prince Philip on Samson riding toward the castle which is protected by the spiky vines. To the left is a picture of Aurora turning to the spinning wheel to move the vines. Another image shows Prince Philip awakening Aurora, who is lying on her bed. There are also larger images of Prince Philip riding the dragon, Aurora feeding a carrot to Samson, and the back/interior of the castle.
There are side images of Aurora and Prince Philip standing face to face, holding hands, and another of Aurora, Prince Philip and Samson. There is an additional life size image of the Aurora minidoll. Set 43240 has 583 pieces and is recommended for ages 7+.